It begins with young Thomas Wayne, the moody and resentful son of Patrick Wayne, descending into the caverns below the ancestral manor … and relishing the killing of bats. It ends with a final trip to a fateful alley behind a theater.

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.
It begins with young Thomas Wayne, the moody and resentful son of Patrick Wayne, descending into the caverns below the ancestral manor … and relishing the killing of bats. It ends with a final trip to a fateful alley behind a theater.
As we are gearing up for the launch of our Scribe’s Forge Online Writing Seminars and Workshops, we wanted to share a small piece of the first video seminar in our six-week series. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into our seminars, where you create the next great story … and we provide the tools […]
Tracy Hickman and Fantasy Flight Games are pleased to announce ‘Fireborn: Embers of Atlantis’ — a new novel by Tracy Hickman “We are going to preserve life,” Tsanya snapped. “Your lives and those of our own race. We have found a way to graft the souls of dragons and Seelie into the race of men.” […]
I just appeared on the ‘Save or Die’ podcast, talking about classic AD&D and the good old days at TSR, Inc. We discussed the origins of Dragonlance and the early days of Dungeons & Dragons — the evolution of adventure modules and the new projects at Dragonsbard and our upcoming writing seminars at Scribe’s Forge. […]
We all want to know the answer to the question that was posed by Douglas Adams in his wonderful Hitchhiker’s Guide and perhaps we may get a glimpse into that this weekend when I attend ‘Life, the Universe and Everything 29’ behind held at the BYU Conference Center at BYU in Provo, Utah starting today […]
We have just submitted the events we will be offering at the Gencon Convention this year in Indianapolis: EVENT DESCRIPTIONS: HICKMAN’S WRITING SEMINAR AND WORKSHOP: Thursday / 5:00 pm (1700 hrs) Tracy Hickman, NYT Best-selling novelist and Laura Hickman, co-author of ‘The Bronze Canticles’ series presents a unique opportunity to writers at Gencon. Participants in […]
Back in the 1990’s, Laura came to me with a scene she had imagined that would simply not leave her alone. She came to me with it, described it’s dark image to me and asked me what it meant. I then told her that I knew the rest of the story around that scene — […]
Now for your Nook… For all our Nook and iPad friends … we are pleased to announce that Eventide is now also available on Barnes & Nobel in Nookbook epub format. This means that the book is now available as an ebook both at Barnes & Nobel and at in both formats. We hope […]
Now you could be reading Eventide in less than a minute… Laura and I are pleased to announce that our first novel in the Dragon’s Bard series — Eventide — is now available at for their Kindle ebook device. This edition is taken from the original text files of the exclusive hardback first-edition printing. […]