PORT OF CALL: Tim Slover’s ‘Comin’ Out fer Christmas’ My good friend and playwright Tim Slover wrote this wonderful piece for his Christmas Party this year — and I just had to share it with you. Yee-ha! The place of board games in our families traditional holiday celebrations is remembered and Tracy and Laura’s ‘Santa’s […]
Author: Tracy Hickman
International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.
Books for Christmas???

Well, he’s not helping my bottom line … but Merry Christmas to all!
Rosenstern and Gildencrantz

I’ve been working with Laura on the second novel in the Drakis series — tentatively titled ‘Citadels of the Lost.’ Occasionally, I’ve felt a little lost myself as there were three characters who had come along for the ride from the previous novel. They were members of Urulani’s crew — sea raiders from the southern […]

We’re feeling in a holiday mood here at the Hickmans — giving away a free, fully-playable download sample of our Santa Sleighride board game so that you can play with our toys before you buy them! We received our first premium boards for our ‘Santa’s Sleigh Ride’ holiday board game last weekend and so I […]

A few years ago, Laura and I designed a holiday board game as Christmas gifts for our friends and family. We grew up playing board games with our parents when we were children and found the holidays to be a special time to connect with our own children through the playing of games — and […]

In the just for fun department… The Garrett & Boulter Arms Company in Boston, MA began development of a practical dragon-slaying weapon at the direction of the War Department in 1886. The first practical application weapon to emerge was the ‘Dragonslayer’ although it quickly became known on the frontier by its more common name — […]

Two Roads to Intellectual Property Success Phil Athans, former Wizards of the Coast editor of both Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms, has just published an article on ‘Intellectual Properties’ (IPs) and how they related to the creators original vision called ‘The Worlds that Outgrew their Stories’ for the online ‘Grasping for the Wind: Science Fiction and […]
Hickman Fears the Boot – Part II
This is the second half of Tracy Hickman’s interview on ‘Fear the Boot’ podcast this week. (0:19) The role of online communities in finding, building, and sustaining an audience. If you’re interested in Dragonlance, be sure to check out the Dragonlance Nexus. (3:44) The value of art, entertainment, and ideas on the internet. Why free […]

As we’ve been working on the Dragonsbard project, we’ve been acquiring quite a bit of experience (actual experience rather than those meaningless points one acquires in so many games) in this new field of Serial Publishing. Serial Publishing sounds like a crime but is actually the revolutionary concept on which Dragonsbard was built: publish like […]