Sojourner Tales launched last night just over twenty-four hours ago … and we are now 44% funded! Thank you, our fellow Sojourners for getting us off to such an amazing start! Come join us on our Sojourner Tales Campaign!

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.
Sojourner Tales launched last night just over twenty-four hours ago … and we are now 44% funded! Thank you, our fellow Sojourners for getting us off to such an amazing start! Come join us on our Sojourner Tales Campaign!
Laura and I had such a wonderful time last year at Space City Con in Houston that we were excited when they asked us to return again this year. Laura and I flew down on Wednesday, joined the celebrity guests of the convention on Thursday for a tour of the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center and […]
In honor of ComicCon being held in San Diego this month, our publisher has decreed a celebration price of $2.99 for ebook copies of my Batman novel, ‘Wayne of Gotham.’ If you have not yet had a chance to enjoy my otherworlds take on the Caped Crusader, this special price will be available through the end of […]
Even for the most practiced game designers, no initial set of rules is going to work the first time out of the box. Indeed, the most common experience in designing any kind of game is that the designer puts together the rules, layout and components of a game with his ‘best guess.’ It looks pretty […]
‘Stretch Goal’ Promises Tracy Hickman Serial Novel for Upcoming ‘Shroud of the Avatar’ Fantasy Computer Game Portalarium Games announced late yesterday that I have offered to write a serial fantasy novel for the upcoming fantasy computer game ‘Shroud of the Avatar’ should the project fund to the $1.8m dollar stretch goal. All backers (including those […]
Last year, I had the great joy in seeing my Batman novel, ‘Wayne of Gotham’ in print. It was a thrill to have visited so long with the Caped Crusader and I was anxious to be able to do so again. I set my heart to the task and produced an outline which I thought […]
Two Legends of Gaming join forces! International and New York Times Best-selling fantasy author Tracy Hickman is pleased to announce that he is joining Richard Garriott’s team as Lead Story Designer for ‘Shroud of the Avatar.’ “There is a tremendous opportunity to create something meaningful, challenging and wondrous in Shroud of the Avatar,” Tracy said. […]
Last year, Brigham Young University asked us if we would allow them to archive our papers in their special collections. It was an incredible honor and one which we were very happy to accept. The idea that our drawings, notes and original manuscripts could be preserved and studied for generations to come has made us […]
Richard Garriott is one of the most fascinating men of our time. The son of an Apollo astronaut who flew on Skylab, Richard was one of the true pioneers in computer games. In the 1970s when home computers were as rare as sightings of Big Foot, Richard was closeted (literally) with a little Apple computer, […]