Sid Meier’s Civilization: A New Dawn board game is one of our family favorites. It just needed a little … civilizing!

News about our game entertainment projects.
Sid Meier’s Civilization: A New Dawn board game is one of our family favorites. It just needed a little … civilizing!
I’m delighted to announce that I am slated to write a novel in support of Underworld Ascendant, a Kickstarter project currently being funded online. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed worked with Richard Garriott as the Lead Story Designer for his Shroud of the Avatar MMORPG and was subsequently approached by Otherside Entertainment. As Underworld Ascendant takes place […]
Or why is this (fill in the blank) project so late? Starting about the time I was in Junior High School, I became fascinated by Einstein’s theories of Relativity. Mind you, my books on the subject were very basic and I had trouble telling the Specific Theory from the General Theory but I had a […]
How does one recreate the look of a self-made adventure module over thirty years old? With great difficulty, it turns out. Over three and a half decades ago, Laura and I were just recently married and newly introduced to Dungeons & Dragons. Our enthusiasm overflowed into creativity. We wanted something more oriented toward story that […]
Three decades after creating the classic Dragonlance setting, there remained one adventure that Tracy and Laura Hickman had never been completed. Now, thanks to four determined patrons, that final fantasy adventure is going to become a reality. Tracy and Laura have been commissioned to complete ‘Eye of the Dragon’, the unfinished adventure module that had […]
Late last week, we received one of the most important milestones in the production of our Sojourner Tales game … the Mass Production Sample. This is the approval sample of our game and the last step before your copy of the game is actually made. This represents exactly what the game is going to look […]
One of the most enduring stories about the origins of the Dragonlance novels is that the books were written from the events taken directly from gaming sessions and our play. The truth is … a bit more complicated than that. Dragonlance was originally envisioned as a series of role-playing modules for the Advanced Dungeons & […]
I had not been working at TSR Inc. for very long before all of the designers and artists were called into a meeting in the old hotel. This was a very special gathering: a presentation of the results of a consulting firms perspective on our company. Outside perspective was considered helpful. This was the early […]
Even for the most practiced game designers, no initial set of rules is going to work the first time out of the box. Indeed, the most common experience in designing any kind of game is that the designer puts together the rules, layout and components of a game with his ‘best guess.’ It looks pretty […]