Spiritual insight and inspiration often come when least expected … as it came to me in the form of two real Starlings as I built my lightsaber.

Information about new projects of an unusual nature.
Spiritual insight and inspiration often come when least expected … as it came to me in the form of two real Starlings as I built my lightsaber.
OK, I’m not saying that Alan Tudyk and I are close … although he did let me have a booth next to his at Gencon Australia. And I’m not saying that Nathan Fillion and I are BFFs even though he did take a selfie with Laura and I some years ago which I show off […]
I’m delighted to announce that I am slated to write a novel in support of Underworld Ascendant, a Kickstarter project currently being funded online. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed worked with Richard Garriott as the Lead Story Designer for his Shroud of the Avatar MMORPG and was subsequently approached by Otherside Entertainment. As Underworld Ascendant takes place […]
Or why is this (fill in the blank) project so late? Starting about the time I was in Junior High School, I became fascinated by Einstein’s theories of Relativity. Mind you, my books on the subject were very basic and I had trouble telling the Specific Theory from the General Theory but I had a […]
Last year, Brigham Young University asked us if we would allow them to archive our papers in their special collections. It was an incredible honor and one which we were very happy to accept. The idea that our drawings, notes and original manuscripts could be preserved and studied for generations to come has made us […]
It’s time to look forward to the New Year and the brighter future it holds for us.
A Special Invitation… Available nowhere else! New York Times Best-selling author Tracy Hickman with his wife and partner Laura Hickman, world-renown fantasy authors for over a quarter of a century are writing a fantasy novel exclusively by subscription only! Dragon’s Bard is an ambitious new project created especially for you by Laura and me. Dragon’s […]
My friend Richard Garriott was good enough to share this video with me … and I’d like to share it with you. Space Monkey from Leo Burnett on Vimeo. It’s a beautiful message approached in a unique and thoughtful way.