Featured Fun Horizons Update

Con Man: Quick … Take My Money!

OK, I’m not saying that Alan Tudyk and I are close … although he did let me have a booth next to his at Gencon Australia. And I’m not saying that Nathan Fillion and I are BFFs even though he did take a selfie with Laura and I some years ago which I show off whenever possible…

Like right now.

However, when I saw on my twitter feed today that both of these men had launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund a web-series called ‘Con Man’ … and that this series was about the convention experiences of a struggling actor who had played the pilot of a spaceship on a science-fiction series cancelled prematurely by a network and another actor whose career had taken off after playing the captain of the spaceship on that same cancelled series and that my friend Felicia Day was supporting it… and could I possibly drop any more names in a blog post…

washWell, let’s just say I had a hard time finding my wallet quickly enough. And yes, you should, too. Quickly … while there is still swag to be hand on this campaign. All of the top tier pledges vanished at hyperspeed. They have only been open slightly more than a DAY and are (at this writing) 306% funded. And they have 29 days to go.

The bigger the production pot, the more episodes they get to make … and I am just sure it won’t be enough.

So, my fellow Firefly Browncoats, part with a few credits and support this series because, hey, this campaign made me feel twelve years old again. I can only hope that they need a NYT-Best Selling author to move chairs around the set.

By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

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