Appearances Featured News

Dragon*Con Slayers!

Once Upon this week, Laura the Fair, Tracy the Just and their daughter Tasha the Bard are setting out on a noble quest to the towers of Atlanta in search of the dangerous and mystical creature known as Dragon*Con. As with all good adventurers, we are armed with a map to the treasure which we share with you here!

This map shows the location where we hope to meet with you at the convention. It is a humble little booth deep within the bowels of the Marriott Marquis hotel but fear not! Those hearty enough to brave the stifling depths and constantly-regenerating crowds will discover:

  • Our Dragon’s Bard Game on display and available for demonstration play where we will beseech you to join our band in support of our Kickstarter cause and where you may obtain an exclusive, signed art card for the upcoming game.
  • ‘Wayne of Gotham’ books available for purchase. You can acquire your own ‘Dark Knight’ and have it signed by the author personally!
  • Tasha Joan Hickman’s new CD album “Before they Open the Door”: music about and for convention fans written exclusively for our ‘Pick-a-Path Musical!’ Hear samples of her album here on iTunes!
  • ‘Eventide’ bookmarks signed by Tracy and Laura and granted as a free boon to every brave sole who presents themselves before them!
  • Other more illusive treasures of vast wealth which shall be given away randomly each day to one lucky participant just for filling out our contest entry card!
  • AND our new Hickman Campaign T-shirts!

Would that every quest should be this simple … but there are encounters also to be had along the way…

You may discover us at one of our schedule events (set encounters) if you can decipher the following cryptic clues:

  • Storytelling Through Roleplaying: The masters of game storytelling discuss how to weave your own stories through games. T. Hickman, L. Hickman, J. Morningstar; Fri 1:00 pm; Grand Salon C [Hil]
  • Autograph Session: J. Oliver, T. Hickman, L. Hickman; Fri 4:00 pm; M301—M304 [M]
  • Killer Breakfast with Tracy & Laura Hickman: Extra Fee event.A GenCon favorite! Participate in this fun, interactive, liveparticipation game! Get killed by Tracy Hickman! T. Hickman, L. Hickman; Sat 10:00 am; Crystal Ballroom [Hil]; 2.5 Hrs
  • Xtreme Dungeon Mastery: Our guest gives out his innovative dungeon mastery advice. Learn to take your game to the next level! T. Hickman; Sat 1:00 pm; Grand Salon C [Hil]
  • 2012 Parsec Awards Ceremony: The Parsec Award is available for Sci-Fi & Fantasy Original Content, and Speculative Fiction. S. Sigler, Dr. S. Granade, L. Burns, V. Belmont; Sat 4:00 pm; Intl. N [HYT]; 2.5 Hrs
  • RPG Charity Event with Tracy Hickman and the Guild: The winners of our special auction gets to play a table top game with some of our special guests. Come see this one of a kind event! S. Parikh, J. Lewis, R. Thorsen, A. Okuda, T. Hickman, V. Caso; Sun 4:00 pm; Crystal Ballroom [Hil]

So, if you’re up for adventure, we hope you’ll join us this weekend at Dragon Khan … I mean, Dragon*Con … and come prepared to conquer the Con!

By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

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