Dragonlance Featured

Dragonlance Legacy: Weis & Hickman Roadshows

UPDATED FULL VERSION: Beginning with Gencon 1984 and for a number of years thereafter, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman produced a series of events at the convention entitled the ‘Weis & Hickman Travelling Roadshow. These generally featured a skit authored by Tracy Hickman, Q&A sessions with Weis and Hickman as well as performances from their works. These performances sometimes were choral readings and sometimes performances cast from friends, spouses and associates.

Recordings of these performances are rare.

This performance, preserved from a VHS copy, took place at the Gencon Convention in 1990.


TOWERS OF TRAVESTY: A Dragonlance Dungeons & Dragons skit narrated by Margaret Weis. Cast includes Tracy Hickman, Kevin Stein, Nicole Harsch, Mike Sakuta, Janet Deaver-Pack, Gary Pack, Liz Baldwin and three members of the audience. (00:00:28 – 00:25:40)

KNIGHT OF SOLAMNIA SONG: Tracy Hickman is coerced into singing his fractured version of a BeeGee’s song about Solamnic Knights. Rare footage. (00:29:25 – 00:37:20)

FALL OF KITIARA: Skit by Gary Pack, Nicole Harsch & Mike Sakuta with Laura Hickman (offstage) and Janet Deaver-Pack (vocals). (00:52:54 – 1:09:00)

Videographer: David Baldwin.

By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

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