Books News

A Truly Epic Fantasy Bundle: Gaiman, Sanderson, Hickman, Farland, & more!


When Kevin Anderson called me and asked if I would like to be a part of this bundled collection of ebooks, how could I say no? The new “truly epic fantasy bundle” that debuts today from is a veritable Who’s Who of bestselling modern fantasy, featuring works by Neil Gaiman (an original American Gods novella!), Brandon Sanderson, David Farland, Tracy Hickman, James Artimus Owen, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Peter David, Kevin J. Anderson, and a collaboration between popular game designer Peter J. Wacks (Cyberpunk, Interface Zero) and prog-rock recording artist Mark Ryan (whose first Vizuddha album had 2 million downloads).

I’ve participated in several book bundles over the past couple of years—horror, science fiction, fantasy—but I’ve never been so excited about such an awesome batch of titles from
–Kevin Anderson

Natlogosm1With, you can name your own price, pay what you think the books are worth, and you’ll get the first batch of six.  If you pay $12 or more, you’ll get three bonus books—Clockwork Angels by Kevin J. Anderson, The Immortals by Tracy Hickman, and The Emperor’s Soul by Brandon Sanderson.  Note, this deal is available WORLDWIDE, in all eReader formats (with the exception of Brandon Sanderson’s title, which has a few restricted countries).

A portion of the proceeds of this bundle goes to benefit the Challenger Centers for Space Science Education—a nonprofit that is close to my heart.

For full descriptions of the titles, see  This bundle will be available for a limited time only, ends in three weeks.  It’s truly epic!

By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

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