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Fantasy Novelist Hickman to Write Computer Game Novel

‘Stretch Goal’ Promises Tracy Hickman Serial Novel for
‘Shroud of the Avatar’ Fantasy Computer Game

Portalarium Games announced late yesterday that I have offered to write a serial fantasy novel for the upcoming fantasy computer game ‘Shroud of the Avatar’ should the project fund to the $1.8m dollar stretch goal. All backers (including those already backing the project) beginning at the $25 level will receive a digital edition of the book as it is released with higher level pledges receiving numbered collector’s editions signed by Richard Garriott and Tracy Hickman. These are in addition to the other rewards already earned at these levels.

I am the Lead Story Designer for the project and am working side-by-side with Richard Garriott to produce a rich, epic story for the upcoming game. The game project itself has ALREADY met its funding goal and, therefore, will be produced — but the stretch goals allow for the addition of more fun aspects to the game and, now, the possibility of a full-length fantasy novel as well.

We need your support to make this game the amazing journey we know it will become and…

…there are only four days remaining to back this project!

I hope you’ll come and join us on this epic adventure!

By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

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