Appearances Featured News Update

Hickman’s Gencon Events Going… Going…

B_Wicked Photo_02The Gencon Gaming Convention event tickets went on sale yesterday … and I hope you’ll hurry and get your tickets to our events while they last.

Our currently scheduled events include:

We will also be premiering the first novel in our  Nightbird’s series, ‘Unwept’, our Sojourner Tales Storytelling Board Game, the first book in my Dragons of the Confederacy series with Dan Willis and other awesome things as well!

While we will take Generic Tickets at the door, several of our events (Notably the Dragonlance Legacy Celebration, our Killer Breakfasts and or Pick-a-path Musical) will likely be sold out. So I please get our tickets while they are still available.

By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

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