Last week, my son-in-law bought me a lightsaber building experience at Galaxies Edge in Walt Disney World. It was a surprisingly moving experience. All that night afterward I lay awake, composed my thoughts into a free-verse poem … something I’ve never written before.
I thought I might share it with you…
I stood outside Savi’s Workshop In fictional Batuu Made real by corporate interest From the dreams of My younger self. Brought by my son to Build a Lightsaber Of my own As he had done before me. As I sat in contemplation Upon a fake rock wall My thoughts turning to Two Starlings, very real, Behind me in a bush Oblivious of me Engaged in ageless argument. One, a child angry and confused Raged against the other in its ignorance As the parent urged the first Simply to fly. Not to follow it’s parents former courses But to find its own And by that simple wisdom Of rising above To thrive. Our number is called The commerce concluded And we are ushered Into a fiction That is only as real as we wish. My hands fumble To assemble this form before me Into a semblance of myself The starlings conflict Still raging softly in my peaceful mind. Yet, with the urging of gentle helping hands It sits cradled before me at last. In the dim and somehow sacred room It’s light is kindled anew And it is my own. So why do I stand Amid this happy throng With tears streaming from my eyes As I hold aloft The lighted embodiment Of my souls desire... To be that more elegant weapon From a more civilized time And urge each soul I meet Angry and confused To fly?

Copyright (C) Tracy Hickman / May 2021 / All Rights Reserved.
6 replies on “Lightsaber”
Tracy, what a joy to read this. Quite the synchronicity for me as a 50yr old Star Wars fan who is currently building his own lightsaber in his basement…hmmm this was posted almost exactly a year ago today! Anyways, I only saw this because I am looking to purchase a copy of the board game your family made (the one that allows you to “play” a book you like). You demo’d it a few years back in Grand Rapids, Michigan, at the city’s first GrandCon. I wish I’d bought one then. Hope you’re doing good (it sure sounds like it).
I thought that was really amazing and inspiring. The parallels we see around us that give some form to the deeper things in our minds and in our lives are really awesome, I love finding those connections too. I found my way to your site here after reading your foreword in Curse of Strahd. I’m just starting to run the campaign for my friends, and we’re really enjoying it so far. I just wanted to stop by and say that your works are still exciting and inspiring people to this day. Thanks so much.
I just wanted to stop by and thank you for all that you have done for me and many, many others.
My inner 10 year old self is giggling with glee as I read this post.
You didn’t give adequate warning for a ’tissue alert’. Let me dab at my eyes for a moment. What a lovely tribute to your family. Congratulations on the saber too.
Beautiful as always.