
My Works

My Bibliography


Dragonlance Series (with Margaret Weis)

Dragonlance Chronicles (TSR trilogy / 1984)

TSR premiere novel fantasy series about a world where knights on dragonback fight for domination of the world of Krynn. These series have currently sold over six million copies in the U.S. and Great Britain alone, twelve million copies world-wide. Translation rights include Japan, France, Spain, Denmark, Italy, Germany, Finland, Israel, and Portugal. Bestsellers, New York Times, Locus, Walden and B. Dalton lists, Publishers Weekly.

Dragons of Autumn Twilight

Dragons of Winter Night

Dragons of Spring Dawning

Dragonlance Legends (TSR trilogy: 1985)

Time of the Twins

War of the Twins

Test of the Twins

Dragonlance Tales I (TSR anthology Editor/Contributor: 1986-87)

Magic of Krynn

Kender, Gully Dwarves & Gnomes

Love and War

Dragonlance Tales II (TSR anthology Editor/contributor: 1992-94)

The Reign of Istar

The Cataclysm

The War of the Lance

Dragons of Krynn

Dragonlance: The Second Generation (TSR hardback collection)

Dragonlance: Dragons of Summer Flame (TSR hardback novel: 1995)

New York Times Best Seller. Long awaited sequel to the original Chronicles series.

Dragonlance: War of Souls (TSR / 2000)

Dragons of a Fallen Sun

Dragons of a Lost Star

Dragons of a Vanished Moon

Darksword Series (with Margaret Weis)

Darksword (Bantam / Trilogy: 1988)

A world where everyone has magic and technology is the forbidden art. Bestseller, New York Times, Locus, Walden and B. Dalton lists. Translation rights include Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Poland, Israel, Spain, Denmark, and Italy

Forging the Darksword

Doom of the Darksword

Triumph of the Darksword

Darksword Adventures (Bantam / Game Book: 1988)

Paperback, published in 1988, a new role playing game system designed by Hickman and Weis to work within the magical world of Thimhallan. Best-selling role playing game.

Legacy of the Darksword (Bantam / 1996)

Rose of the Prophet (Bantam / Trilogy with Margaret Weis)

Arabesque tale of Djinni and morals struggling in a world of many gods. Paperback, published in 1989 by Bantam Books. Best Sellers, New York Times, Locus, Walden and B. Dalton lists. Translation rights include Great Britain, Italy, Israel, France, Germany.

Will of the Wanderer

The Paladin of the Night

The Prophet of Akhran

Deathgate Cycle (Bantam / Seven Book Series with Margaret Weis)

A seven-volume series dealing with seven separate worlds, published in hardcover and paperback, by Bantam Books, beginning in 1990. Selection of the Science Fiction Book Club of America and Doubleday Book Club. Foreign rights include Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Holland, Spain, Japan, Denmark, and France. Rights to a computer game have been sold to Legend, Inc.

Dragonwing, Best seller: Locus, Walden, B. Dalton

Elven Star, Best seller: Locus, Walden, B. Dalton

Fire Sea, Best seller: NY Times, Locus, Walden, B. Dalton

Serpent Mage, Best seller: Locus, Walden, B. Dalton

Hand of Chaos, Best seller: Walden, B. Dalton

Into the Labyrinth, Best seller:Walden, B. Dalton

The Seventh Gate , Best seller: NY Times, Walden, B. Dalton

Starshield (Del Rey / 1996 with Margaret Weis)

Novel series developed in conjunction with the Starshield Universe. A tale of a vast universe trying to reclaim its past glory and secure its future at the same time.


(RETITLED: The Mantle of Kendis Dai)


Sovereign Stone (Eos / 2000 with Margaret Weis)

Out of the rich material of the popular roleplaying game The Sovereign Stone, New York Times bestselling fantasists Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman have fashioned something miraculous: a masterful epic of magic and adventure, filled with unforgettable, Tolkienesque characters and plot twists as harrowing and unpredictable as a roll of the dice.

Well of Darkness

Guardians of the Lost

Journey into the Void

The Bronze Canticles (Warner / 2004 with Laura Hickman)

This emotionally intense novel’s meticulously crafted magical system and likable characters evoke an atmosphere both timely and timeless. While lively action sequences and rich descriptive passages provide plenty of excitement, mature examinations of politics and individual responsibility lend philosophical weight and emotional poignancy.

Mystic Warrior

Mystic Quest (2005)

Mystic Empire (2006)

Solo Novels

Songs of the Stellar Wind (Bantam / Trilogy)

The galaxy is invaded by the time-travelling fleet from a previous millennium. First printing in February of 1996. (UPDATE: Originally slated as a trilogy of books, the second two novels in this series were never produced.)

Requiem of Stars

The Immortals (ROC / novel)

A near Future cautionary tale about AIDS concentration camps in Utah. Second solo work to be published and the author’s favorite work.


Role Playing Projects

Darksword Adventures
(Role Playing Game Rules Book / Bantam: 1988)
Indiana Jones Role Playing Game
(TSR / Supplemental Design: 1984)

Dragonlance Role Playing Products
(TSR / Role Playing Game Setting: 1985 – present)

Dragonlance Adventures (TSR / hardback RPG supplement)
Dragons of Despair (DL-1)
Dragons of Flame (DL-3)
Dragons of Desolation (DL-4) (w/ Michael Dobson)
Dragons of Krynn (DL-5) (w/ Michael Dobson)
Dragons of War (DL-8) (w/ Laura Hickman)
Dragons of Dreams (DL-10)
Dragons of Triumph (DL-13)

Other Role Playing Products (TSR / Role Playing Game Products: 1982-1986)

Rahasia (w/ Laura Hickman)
Ravenloft (I-6) (w/ Laura Hickman)
Pharaoh (I-3) (w/ Laura Hickman)
Oasis of the White Palm (I-4) (w/ Phil Meyers)
Lost Tomb of Martek (I-5)
The House on Griffon Hill (w/ Laura Hickman)
Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones & the Lost Nail
Death in Spades (Gangbusters Game)

Simulation Games

Dragonlance: War of the Lance (TSR / Simulation Game w/ Douglas Niles)

10 replies on “My Works”

I would love to take my voice, and bring these stories to life! They helped me get through my deployment in 2003 to Iraq. I would be very curious if you have these narrated, or if you have been asked this a billion times?

I picked up Dragons of Autumn Twilight recently and it starts out with the friends coming back together after 5 years. What set of books talks about their first set of adventures together?

The Meetings sextet was the 6 part seriesthat dealt with origin stories of the Original heroes

So about the other two books in the Bantam trilogy why may I ask where they never published.
Hearing this makes me want to read them and tell them they shoulda published them.

I own/read all of the Dragonlance books written by you and Margaret Weis, and they are by far my favorite books ever. But I’m sure you’ve heard that a million times. Anyway, the point of this comment is I took the time to listen to the audio-book version of The Immortals. I wasn’t sure what to think at first (I mainly read about dragons and swords), but your name caught my interest. I really enjoyed the book. Somehow you were able to create something so touching in the middle of concentration camps, AIDS, and tyrannical governments. Thank you very much for all of the wonderful work you do.

Which series would you recommend after I finish the Bronze Canticles? I’m loading up my Kindle for a long summer of reading.

On vacation in Mexico just reread legends for the first time in about 20 years…..
Man it really hit the spot! May half to kick this WoW habit and don my DM robes once again!

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