Books Horizons News Update Workshops

New Years Revolutions

It’s time to look forward to the New Year and the brighter future it holds for us.

The year 2012 is just dawning on the horizon filled for Laura and I with new and, in may ways, life changing possibilities. In the past I have contented myself with ‘resolutions’ but given the scope of the changes in my life and the new directions that writing is taking, I think ‘New Years Revolutions’ is more appropriate of an approach to this upcoming year.

So, for all of our friends out there looking toward what this new year will bring, here are a few of the ‘revolutions’ which we will be engaging in over the next year.

Knights of the Red Band:

This is our most exciting news for the new year. Laura and I are pleased to announce an agreement with DAW books regarding a new fantasy series we will be developing and writing called ‘Knights of the Red Band.’ This is the story of a world of eternal daylight and eternal night, where humanity lives on the dusky ‘red band’ separating the two. When an ancient evil rises to retake the world it once enslaved, a group of young, idealistic warriors is recruited into a revered and legendary order of Knighthood. But they soon discover that the reality of war is very different from the stories they were raised on … and that the question of right and wrong may be more difficult to answer than they believe. The great thing about this new trilogy is that YOU will be able to follow its development from the very beginning through its completion. We already have a website and facebook page set up for the project and will be posting to both at each stage of the novels development. From initial concept through final release, you’ll have a ringside seat at our creative process.

hickmanLakota Dragon’s War:

When Dragons and Airships fought the War Between the States… This is the world of ‘The Lakota Dragon Wars’; the epic struggle in the western skies between the steam, brass, bigotry and romance of a lawless western expansion set against the might of dragons mastered by the Lakota tribes of the American Plains.

Laura and I are also excited to be launching this new online series this summer. In addition to our Dragons Bard series of fantasy subscription novels, we will be opening our new series of steam-punk novels set in the American West exclusively in ebook format. You can read more about the history and background of this new series … and even build your own life-sized  replica ‘Lightening Gun’ at our exclusive Lakota Dragons Website.

Scribe’s Forge Changes:

We will be making some important changes to our Scribe’s Forge Online Writing Seminars.

  • SEMINARS PRICE INCREASE: The one you need to be most aware of is that there will be a MAJOR price increase coming on January 6th. If you have been contemplating getting into the seminars, I would highly recommend doing so before the increase — which will be tripling our current prices for a years access to our seminars.
  •  WORKSHOPS DISCONTINUED: The Writing Workshops will also be discontinued at that time to allow me time to address my very heavy writing schedule next year. We will be reworking our workshop system through the coming year.
  • SCRIBES FORGE PUBLISHING CHANGES: We will also be changing our Scribe’s Forge Publishing program; instead of advising you on how to set up your website, we have determined it is more time and cost effective for us to set up the website for you as a turn-key system. Yes, this means that you can have your own web-publishing website, fully functional, designed and implemented by us that allows you to publish your own serial novels online in the same way as our Dragonsbard series. Additionally, we will be offering Scribe’s Forge Ebook Translation services that will take your text and will not only convert it into the most popular of ebook formats, but do so with advanced layout styling that sets your book professionally above the crowd.

 Visit our Scribe’s Forge website for details of these changes.

But Wait, There’s More Revolution to come:

Don’t forget the following FANTASTIC events we are anticipating this year:

  • DRAKIS III: BLOOD OF THE EMPEROR will be released this summer.
  • “WAYNE OF GOTHAM”, my upcoming Batman novel is scheduled for release this May.
  • DRAGONSBARD: BLACKSHORE will be released this spring to our subscribers AND we will be taking subscriptions for our final Dragonsbard novel: Moredale later this year.
  • DRAGONSBARD: EVENTIDE is scheduled for its first mass-market release this summer as well.

We have our conventions, our newsletter and will be looking at introducing our own ‘video channel’ of quick writing advice in the coming months.

So join us in our New Years Revolution! We look forward to quite an exciting year.

By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

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