News Workshops

Scribe’s Forge Publisher

As we’ve been working on the Dragonsbard project, we’ve been acquiring quite a bit of experience (actual experience rather than those meaningless points one acquires in so many games) in this new field of Serial Publishing.

Serial Publishing sounds like a crime but is actually the revolutionary concept on which Dragonsbard was built: publish like the Dickens — literally and literarily — so a group of elite subscribers and provide them with the book at the end of their subscription. It is a concept pioneered by Laura and me (which has meant that we have taken our share of the arrows, as they say) and which has many people in the literary publishing field very interested. Taking on traditional publishing has been daunting but our growing success (modest though it is right now) is turning heads.

But for us the most exciting part is that we can teach other writers how to not only duplicate the system that drives … but how to make it work for their books as well. An author experienced with our system can actually have a new novel distribution system set up and operating in a single day … but the most important part – promotion – takes much longer.

That’s why I’m announcing our Scribe’s Forge Publisher Workshop. I’m in the process of writing a workbook for Scribe’s Forge Publisher which I hope to have ready for the fall. In the meantime, however, as I am developing the workbook, I’m willing to share all I have learned about online Serial Publishing with you at a 1/3 discount to our anticipated Workshop price. If you’re curious, you can read more about it on the Scribe’s Forge website.

Believe me … this is NOT a ‘get-rich-overnight-tell-your-boss-off-and-buy-an-island-somewhere’ program. However, if you’re a writer who would like to find a way to get your work not only in print but being READ while making money commensurate with your success, you may want to make the investment. Check it out!

By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

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