Featured Games News

Sojourner Tales: We are GO for Game!

sjtlesboxsmallLate last week, we received one of the most important milestones in the production of our Sojourner Tales game … the Mass Production Sample. This is the approval sample of our game and the last step before your copy of the game is actually made. This represents exactly what the game is going to look like when it arrives. It was all Laura could do not to tear the plastic cover off of the box before we were able to even take a few pictures of it.

The outside of the box was everything we had hoped it would be with deep, rich colors. More than that, this was the first time we actually could feel the weight of the box and game components as it would be in its actual configuration. 

We paused long enough to get a picture of me with the box still sealed but that was as long as either of us could wait. I handed the box proudly over to Laura and let her, at last, rip off the plastic and open the box.


How can I describe the feeling of seeing the game and all of its pieces spread out before us at last. We have worked so long and hard on this project for all of us … and now here it is fully realized.


Well, we have responded to the manufacturer with an enthusiastic…

Sojourner Tales, we are GO for GAME!

We have approved the final stage and now your game is, at last, being built for you. Now we have to make sure we have adventures for you to play. I’m working even now on our Shroud of the Avatar adventures as well as a Space/Horror game and a Convention Game. I’ll also admit to building a game specifically for our family reunion coming up next month.

We cannot wait to get these to you as soon as they arrive here! If you don’t have yours preordered…

You can order your pre-launch Sojourner Tales copy here!

By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

2 replies on “Sojourner Tales: We are GO for Game!”

Just pulled this off the shelf and can no longer find adventures. Is there an archive somewhere or something?

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