Appearances Featured Fun

Sojourner Tales: A Pick-a-path Musical

PAP_slidesWhat a Convention season this is going to be for Laura and me! We have a full schedule and are so excited to see all of you all around the country! We have the Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio next week, a book tour for our new Unwept novel, Dragon*Con and Comic Con Salt Lake and have even had to turn down a convention next month in Brazil because our schedule is just too full.

But it is the Gencon Conventioin in Indianapolis that is our longest standing date. Laura and I have been attending Gencon every year for the last thirty years. Indeed, it was at Gencon thirty years ago this August that we premiere a little novel called ‘Dragons of Autumn Twilight that started the wonderful journey that has been Dragonlance. We run a number of wonderful events there every year: our Killer Breakfasts (both the traditional Saturday morning and the more recent ‘Second Killer Breakfast’ on Friday morning), our XDM seminar with news at last about our upcoming XPC book and our Dragonlance Legacy Celebration this year with Margaret Weis and friends celebrating three decades of Dragonlance. We will even be holding a design seminar for our ‘Sojourner Tales’ game which we hope to have available for sale at this convention.

Of all of these, however, the least known and certainly our favorite is Hickman’s Pick-a-Path Musical.

This Saturday evening production features not only Laura and myself but our daughter Tasha as well. As the event description says:

Join Tracy, Laura and their daughter Tasha for a fularious – that’s fun and hilarious, you heard me! – hour of improve story and song. Change the course of the tale, join the performance on stage or enjoy the show from the audience. Will Johnny Newby rescue the Convention? Will Lena Larp vanquish the costume judges? Does it all end when the fat dragon sings? You decide in this interactive musical storytelling! SEE THE SOJOURNER TALES GAME FEATURING THIS EVENT!

Yes, we have upgraded this event so that not only will you be able to enjoy this musical tale of a young man and woman trying to survive a media/gaming convention, but will also be able to PLAY the experience at home as a Sojourner Tales game with your friends at home. We are even working to create a special ebook version that includes all the music from the production as well!

So, if you are coming to the Gencon Convention in Indianapolis, please join us for our game/musical on Saturday evening. It will be an hour you won’t want to miss!

By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

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