News Update

Something Big is Coming…

I just want to give all of you a heads up this morning. In approximately two weeks, I’ll be making a game changing announcement … a new direction for Laura and I to explore on this Sea of Possibilities. We’ll be inviting each of you to join us in this new and, we think, very exciting journey. Get the word out because this one will be a mind-bender!

I’ll give you more details on the exact dates as it gets closer … but for now  just know that something BIG is coming!

By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

2 replies on “Something Big is Coming…”

Will you let us Danish people in on your “BIG” something….Everything you have done so far has turned out pretty dawn good, so I got the highest expectations!
Looking forward to that special something 🙂
Regin Glob

Yes! We are going to let everyone — especially my good friends in Denmark — in on our ‘BIG’ something. In fact, I just can no longer wait to talk about it and will be announcing it later today here on the website.

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