Books Featured Games Horizons News Update

Underworld Ascendant and Me

Ascention_videoI’m delighted to announce that I am slated to write a novel in support of Underworld Ascendant, a Kickstarter project currently being funded online.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed worked with Richard Garriott as the Lead Story Designer for his Shroud of the Avatar MMORPG and was subsequently approached by Otherside Entertainment. As Underworld Ascendant takes place in much the same universe as Richard Garriott’s works and with the cooperation of the Portalarium team, it seemed natural for them to come to me and gauge if I would be interested in working on their story with common elements. I was delighted to say yes.

Like Blade of the Avatar, this will be a story taking place in the world’s past and setting the stage for events which the players of the game will engage.

Of course, all of this is contigient on their Kickstarter project reaching the $750,000 stretch goal. The predictions for reaching this goal are excellent and, with your help, I’m confident that I’ll be writing this book as well as the Shroud of the Avatar novels. Come take a look at the project and join us there if you can!

By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

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