Books Featured Fun News

Unwept Contest Winner…

Unwept_webWe recently ran a text-messaging contest for an autographed copy of our newly-released ‘Unwept’ novel, the first in our ‘Nightbirds’ trilogy. Today we selected our winner at it is…

David Wade of Spencer, Indiana!

As soon as our system selected the winner, I not only texted David that he had won but decided to pick up the phone and congratulate him in person. After getting his voice-mail initially, I finally managed to connect with the very excited and enthusiastic contest winner.

David told me that he had been a fan since the War of the Lance days and that he just happened to be rereading some Dragonlance now. He was also anxiously awaiting the final installment of the ‘Dragonships’ series. Winning this book, however, was a huge highlight for him.

“This is so cool,” David said. “My wife’s gonna have a hard time getting me to calm down tonight!”

So our congratulations to David Wade! The book, signed by us both, will be on its way to you directly! We hope you’ll enjoy the ‘dark chocolate’ of this gothic suspense novel.


By Tracy Hickman

International & NYT Best-selling author of SF/Fantasy novels and games.

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